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Located in East Greenville, PA        215-679-4525


Located in East Greenville, PA
Located in East Greenville, PA
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Stay Safe on the Road With New Brakes

Stay Safe on the Road With New Brakes

Brakes are an essential part of your vehicle’s safety system. When brakes fade, they become less effective in creating a pulse or chatter when stopping and loss of power. If the peak force is out of balance, then your tire can skid. Knowing what the issue is helps get the right fix for your ride.
Brake Service

Same-Day, Expert Brake Services

  • Brake pads
  • Rotors
  • Drums
  • Brake fluid
  • Brake lines
  • Emergency brake

Affordable Repairs for Brakes and More

Whatever you’re driving, bring it into Schultzie's Truck & Auto so that you can be back on the road and driving safely. Whether you need preventative maintenance or a complete overhaul, you can get a durable and affordable repair, all in one place.
Brake Service

Characteristics of Your Brakes

  • Peak force - Maximum deceleration of the vehicle. Skids are caused when the peak force is greater than the traction lime of the tires.
  • Continuous power dissipation - This is the most amount of power or energy that can be applied to your brakes without them failing. Problems are often caused when brakes get too hot.
  • Fade - Brake fading is what happens when they heat up. Some brake types have more fade problems than others.
  • Smoothness - When brakes aren't smooth, the varying force may lead to skids.
  • Power - People often mistake powerful brakes with brakes that require little pressure to stop. However, the amount of pressure needed does not correlate to the amount of continuous power dissipation a brake actually has, meaning these brakes could have less peak force than brakes that take more pressure to come to a stop.
  • Pedal feel - How far your brake pedal needs to be pushed in order to stop the vehicle is controlled by the fluid displacement of the brake and several other factors.
  • Drag - Different brake types have different amounts of drag. Drag is the ability of the system to separate the friction material from the rubbing surface when the brakes are not in use.
  • Durability - The durability of brakes is how long it takes for the wear surfaces to need replacement. Wear surfaces are brake shoes, pads, disc, and drums.
  • Weight - The weight of the brakes is how much weight the entire braking system adds to the vehicle. Unsprung weight can cause traction problems.
  • Noise - Some noise with braking is normal. Squealing and grinding noises may indicate a problem.
Call us at 
215-679-4525 for FREE estimates.
All work is done on-site by mechanics who have been hand-picked for their skill and dedication to customer service.
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